Skilful Leaders Blog

A thought for the season

By Sally-Anne, 26.12.22

Welcome to my last (occasional) bulletin of the year. These days my writing time is mainly devoted to my book. It’s going slowly. I think I’ve probably deleted more than I’ve written. Who knew that articulating something you know well, and have been working with for years, could be so hard?...

Our home. A tribute.

By Sally-Anne, 26.07.22

Tomorrow, we move house. Goodbye one very large home. Hello one rather small one. It’s the bit in between that’s hard. The massive physical, mental and emotional transition away from the very special place we’ve called home for the past 11 years...

The very model of a modern leader

By Sally-Anne, 20.03.22

As today’s war in Ukraine unfolds, it seems that the indomitable fighting spirit of this Cossack warrior is still very much alive. It is coursing through the veins of the people, in huge numbers, fighting for their freedom. This unifying spirit is undoubtedly the nation’s greatest defence...

For the teacher who changed my life.

By Sally-Anne, 22.01.22

I first encountered the work of Thich Nhat Hanh in 2006. We were away from home, things were tough, and I’d lost my way. Reading the exquisitely simple teachings of his “Peace is Every Step” was the clear, gentle nudge I needed to start looking at things differently...

In all the noise, listen for what matters

By Sally-Anne, 24.12.21

So here we are. Another year over, a new one about to begin. And a time, in all the noise, to carve out some quiet space to take stock. As a boss, parent, partner, colleague, friend – in other words, as a leader, ask yourself these questions...

A clean break?

By Sally-Anne, 31.12.20

Spilling ginger tea all over yourself might seem an unlikely route to a New Year resolution. But sometimes our reflections are stimulated in the most unlikely ways. Hear what happened today after my favourite ever mug split clean in two as I filled it with boiling water...

On This Day (of all days)…

By Sally-Anne, 08.11.20

I woke up early this morning with a song in my heart. A song of joy? Of hope? Surprisingly not. It was Mr Horrible complaining that ‘Someone Keeps Moving My Chair’. What??!! I got up. Put on my favourite Sunday morning music — Vivaldi’s Gloria — desperate for it to drown out Mr Horrible’s words. But no...

Evolving Leadership

By Sally-Anne, 15.11.19

Leaders are made, not born. This was one of the first things I was taught as a trainee Royal Navy officer back in the 80s. I didn’t wholly buy into it at the time, and over the years I’ve seen a few naturally gifted leaders in action — inspiring and engaging the people around them...

Navigating Stormy Waters… and Other Leadership Lessons

By Sally-Anne, 02.09.19

It’s years since I left the Royal Navy. Since then I’ve mainly been helping other leaders figure out how to lead. And yet every time I board a ship I have a goosebump moment. As if my body is simultaneously remembering and anticipating the feeling of being at sea. A powerful mix of excitement, apprehension, awe...