For our last pause together in our 7-day winter series, I encourage you to see pausing as an act of self-kindness. In the simple act of making space and taking a breath, we are being kind to our inner self - that part of us that needs to be heard...
How often on a busy day do you stop and notice what's happening and how you’re reacting to it? Often we’re on autopilot, relying on our habitual judgments of people and events to inform our actions...
The 14km ski run that arrives in our village is a bit like a metaphor for life: some parts are gentle and smooth, others steep and difficult, and there are long flat stretches where you have to push yourself along. Overall, it’s glorious and exhilarating, but there are places where it doesn’t feel like that...
Embracing awe is very positive for our wellbeing. It gives us a sense of our interconnectedness with Nature and all species, and releases certain chemicals in our body that support our physiological health...
Nature shows us that there’s light in everything. And yet for us, as human beings, there can be moments where everything seems dark - difficult and negative - where our fears might overwhelm us. In those moments, finding the light takes courage. And being the light takes immense courage...
In our busy lives much of our attention is turned outwards, on getting things done. If you want to lead others well and be truly present for them, it's very important to turn your attention inwards from time to time...
Today I remind you why pausing is not only useful, it’s essential for anyone and everyone suffering from stress or overwhelm, particularly in these challenging times...
In my second video series I hope to give you a few minutes a day of 'you' time, to pause and reflect, guided by me, and to develop the capacity to create thinking space regardless of what's going on around you...
Before I ask you to join me today for our final Power of Pause video, let me just remind you of the five habits that we talked about back on Day 1, to help you literally create a pathway in your nervous system which will enable you to pause more automatically as time goes on...