Skilful Leaders Blog

Too Busy To Meditate? Try This

By Sally-Anne, 10.02.17

Stop. Take a breath. Notice how it feels in your body. This is your first step to meditating. In doing this you’re creating a new mini habit. Mini habits start small – even ‘stupid small’. But what matters is they start...

The Pause Tool

By Sally-Anne, 25.09.16

Do you ever feel you’ve got so much to do you don’t know where to begin? Have you ever thrown yourself into something important only to get stuck? Have you ever been frozen by fear?...

Think Like a Startup

By Sally-Anne, 30.06.16

Contemplating the glistening mountain waterfalls where I live, I breathe a deep breath of gratitude. I remind myself how lucky I am to be here, now. And how I never want to get used to this…